In the first semester of 2018, administrator publishing TFCA Kalimantan mid-year progress reports to fulfil transparency and accountability principles in program management. This report contains 7 topics; (1) Introduction, (2) Program Management, (3) Coordination and Consultation, (4) The Progress and Achievements of the grant, (5) The Dynamics, Challenges and Intervention in the grants management, (6) Financial Status, and (7) Work Plan 2018.

In the first semester of 2018, administrator continue processing cycle 4 started on September 2017. Of 69 proposals received by administrator, 19 proposals agreed by administrator and OCTM for submitting full proposals. After budget negotiation, proposals sharpness and clarification, 15 proposals will be reviewed and decide in the second semester of 2018.

Up to June 2018, of 39 grants, 15 grants has been closed, 10 grants is in the process of closing and 14 grants is continue implementing the project still. Total grant commitment up to date is USD 10,324,464 (IDR 135.375.138.100) which allocated for HoB, BFCP and for Strategic Investment (outside the district target). The disbursment for this semester is USG 660.786 (IDR 8.762.125.795) to support HoB, BFCP and IS. The total disbursement rate from 2014 – 2018 is USD 7,759,665 (IDR Rp. 99.852.297.911).

The Grantee’s has continuing its acitivites in 2018, and achieved output/outcome aligned with TFCA Kalimantan objective such are; (1) of 23 Orangutan rescued and released, of 2 eagles rescued, irrawaddy dolphin and banteng habitat identification; objective (2) economic development for 2,719 community with 17 products (NTFP, agroforestry, weaving ect) and 7 site ecotourism development; objective (3) of 312.1 ha forest enriched, of 99,486.58 ha area forest change prevented, fire prevention for 11,035 ha forest area; objective (4) lesson learned writing of conservation inside of Dayak Iban weaving.

Among TFCA Kalimantan focus for the next semester are cycle 4 grant finalization and contract, campaign and events participation, finalization of Implementation Plan, monitoring and evaluation, and cycle 5 program priority arrangement.