The main objective of this report, as set out in the Forest Conservation Agreement TFCA Kalimantan, is to inform comprehensive information of TFCA Kalimantan program including narrative and its financial situation in 2014, which has to be prepared by KEHATI as administrator. TFCA Kalimantan is a partnership between the Government of Indonesia (GoI) and the Government of United States of America (USA) through debt swap for forest conservation program, with The Nature Conservancy (TNC) and World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) foundation as the Swap Partners. KEHATI foundation has been appointed as the Administrator for TFCA Kalimantan management. From 2012 to 2013, Administrator of TFCA Kalimantan developed the institutional arrangements which included administration, staffing, implementation plans, grant making and policy procedures (GMPP) and guidelines to monitor evaluations. Finally in April 2014 the program was launched with the first Cycle grant contracts for 9 grantees with total grants of IDR 39,745,843,000 (equivalent to USD 3,613,258). The second cycle of grant making process also have been conducted and at the end of 2014, based on the OCTM members’ evaluation, there were 9 proposals for Regular Grants and 7 proposals for Special Grants which were considered accepted as conditionally passed with several recommendations. The distribution of grant commitments of TFCA Kalimantan Cycle 1 as the proportion of the total budget supporting for HoB 65% and for BFCP 35% with total commitment is IDR 39,745,843,000 (equivalent to USD 3,964,520). 5 grantees are in the HoB program, 2 grantees are in BFCP, 1 grantee is in a mixed program (HoB and BFCP) and the last, 1 grantee for capacity building. In 2014, 9 grantees of TFCA Kalimantan cycle 1 implemented their projects based on each annual work plan, the activities of the first semester included project preparation and socialization, several basic technical training, seminar and a survey for preparing baseline information and facilitation of CBFM.


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