During the first semester of 2013, TFCA Kalimantan had finalized the foundational documents including 2013-2017 Implementation Plan (IP), the Grant Making Policy and Procedures (GMPP), the Social and Environmental Safeguards System (SES), as well as finalized the 2013 Annual Work Plan (AWP), with the total budget for management expenses in 2013 is USD 328,469 with 72% absorption. Those documents have been approved by OC prior to Call for Concept Note in May 2013.
Main activities in 2013 related to the first cycle TFCA Kalimantan grant-making process, covered coordination and consultation with related stakeholders, finalization and approval of grant-making guidelines documents, concept note and proposal review guideline, call for concept note, socialization, concept note review (60 concept notes were reviewed), proposal development and financial management training, proposal review (18), and institutional due diligence by Administrator towards grantees candidates (18 entities). The first cycle was expected to be finalized on mid-October 2013, however, due to the program development dynamics during the proposal review, the first cycle of TFCA Kalimantan grant making period has been adjusted, and expected to be finalized by the end of February 2014. For 2014, it is expected that 2 cycles of TFCA Kalimantan grantmaking will be implemented, following the phases as cycle 1.