Laporan Tengah Tahun TFCA Kalimantan Januari – Juni 2019 [...]

Laporan Tengah Tahun TFCA Kalimantan Januari – Juni 2019 [...]
Lampiran Tahunan 2018 berisi Informasi Program, Ruang Lingkup Program dan Capaian Program. [...]
TFCA Kalimantan is a debt-for-nature-swap partnership between the Government of Indonesia (GoI) and US Government (USG), with The Nature Conservancy (TNC) and World Wildlife Fund for Nature (WWF) as the Swap Partners, and KEHATI foundation as the Administrator of TFCA Kalimantan. The TFCA Kalimantan program works to support The Berau [...]
In the first semester of 2018, administrator publishing TFCA Kalimantan mid-year progress reports to fulfil transparency and accountability principles in program management. This report contains 7 topics; (1) Introduction, (2) Program Management, (3) Coordination and Consultation, (4) The Progress and Achievements of the grant, (5) The Dynamics, Challenges and Intervention [...]
During the six-year implementation period, the Administrator annually publishes progress reports to fulfill transparency and accountability guidelines. In 2018, the Administrator published “The Annual Report 2017”. This report contains 7 topics; (1) Introduction, (2) TFCA Kalimantan Management, (3) Coordination and Consultation, (4) The Progress and Achievements of the grantees, (5) [...]
During the 5-year implementation period, Administrator has been publishing progress reports of TFCA Kalimantan annually to fulfil transparency and accountability principles in program management. In 2017, Administrator published “The Annual Report 2016”, to provide information on progress and achievements that TFCA Kalimantan accomplished in 2016. This report contains 8 topics; [...]
The main objective of this report, as set out in the Forest Conservation Agreement TFCA Kalimantan, is to inform comprehensive information of TFCA Kalimantan program including narrative and its financial situation in 2014, which has to be prepared by KEHATI as administrator. TFCA Kalimantan is a partnership between the Government [...]
The main objective of this report, as set out in the Forest Conservation Agreement TFCA Kalimantan, is to inform comprehensive information of TFCA Kalimantan program including narrative and its financial situation in 2014, which has to be prepared by KEHATI as administrator. TFCA Kalimantan is a partnership between the Government [...]
During the first semester of 2013, TFCA Kalimantan had finalized the foundational documents including 2013-2017 Implementation Plan (IP), the Grant Making Policy and Procedures (GMPP), the Social and Environmental Safeguards System (SES), as well as finalized the 2013 Annual Work Plan (AWP), with the total budget for management expenses in [...]
Congressional Report TFCA Kalimantan tahun 2012 [...]